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Artist's Biography

Emilee Klippert was born in Overland Park, Kansas and spent her formative years in Kansas City, Missouri. She graduated in 2020 from Olivet Nazarene University in Illinois with a BFA in Studio Art. Currently, Emilee paints and lives in Lodi, California. Her background in painting, drawing, literature, and religion have all coalesced into Emilee's painting practice. She has had solo and group exhibitions in places such as the Crossroads Art District in Kansas City, as well as the Sims Gallery and the Victorian House Gallery in Bourbonnais, Illinois.  



Artist's Vision

Creating is the equivalent of being human. Every person has created something. It is the “artist” who feels the call to devote their life to it. Personally, art is the way in which I process my inner self effectively and therefore understand the nature of life more adequately. If creating ceased to exist, the world would shut down immediately, perhaps even before immediately. The globe runs on inspiration. To depart from creativity would be to abandon gravity – it would be taking the very thing that grounds us.



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